Create a handcrafted trail map of your favorite mountain.

Request your mountain.

Don't see the mountain you are looking for after searching our site? There's a good chance we may have your favorite resort, or we can create it from scratch!

Our artists love designing new trail maps and welcome special requests.

Ready to create a custom trail map?

Fill-out the form below and our team will get back to you in one business day.


Map Size (you can change this later)


From start to finish, a custom map typically takes 21 days. We do our best to expedite the process, but our maps take time to design, prototype, and refine.

Good question! To get started we'll just need the mountain name and location. One of our design specialists will take the lead and begin designing your mountain immediately. We handle 100% of the details and will have a proof ready for you to review in approximately 10-14 days.

All of our custom wood ski trail maps are created by analyzing a combination of maps, satellite imagery, and review of the resorts general topography. Learn more

Unlike some of our competitors, all of our products are designed in Lake Tahoe and are 100% made in the USA.